Monday, March 10, 2008

Fossil records support Creationism

Good evening my classmates, I am back and today I will provide you with some info that will leave you mesmerized and make you question the theory of evolution. evolutionists believe that human kind evolved from chimpanzees but I believe in intelligent design meaning that no humans were ever chimps or any other being, they have always been Humans. The main proof that evolutionists give for evolution is fossil records but I say that is the single greatest threat to evolution. The occasional skeleton digs that turn up a monkey or diseased gorilla are said to be as "proof" for evolution, but no one mentions the fact that if evolution was true, there would be millions upon billions of such "transitional creatures" spreading through the fossil record. As it stands today, such finds are very rare and most are very questionable as to their authenticity and viability as true transitional forms. I mean Lucy dates back to 3.2 million years ago and if you see the skeleton it doesn’t have that much differences in apes, its was about 3.5 feet tall, now that’s not human length but that’s ape length. Also, the next fossil found was 500,000 years ago and simply the gaps of the fossils found are huge, and we simply don’t have thousands or millions of finds to show the evolution being taken place. But what is interesting though is that in Australia, about 300 miles is covered with jelly fish fossils. Now you would say how did they become fossilized because when they die then they float and on land they melt away so how did they become fossilized? Now the evolutionists who discovered these fossils said they must have formed in less than twenty-four hours. That would mean an enormous amount of water and mud would form them. You know what that means, Noah’s Flood not with millions of years of slow processes. The answer to this lies in Quran that states that the flood went on for 40 days and 40 nights so that flood could have caught the jelly fish and buried them. So you see the whole THEORY not fact of evolution has no foundation to support itself.