Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I just want to say, everyone did a great job defending their believe.

Lelessie: I think you need some core evidence for your creationist believe.

Alex: Great job with the post but i do not agree with you because all the religions were not spread by the use of Force. When the Ottoman empire existed, half of the people were christian and jews and Muslims didn't force the people to become muslim.

Roxy: I liked your post but whats up with the dinosaurs.

Merilyn: i am not contradicting myself, i am just saying that we should defend our believe by using scientific reasoning but i guess if it is impossible for some people then its ok. But for me evidence works and it makes me explore more of Gods creation and makes me ponder upon it. You see the more i get into science the more closer i get with God.

Nate: Good Job man.

Sidra: Dr. Zakir Nayak is so cool, i loved that video, it was so helpful and you did a great job explaining why evolution is a theory.

Bobby: I liked the videos, like i learned about the Origin of life experiment and i wasn't aware of that at all before. So great Job.