I'm against evolution, but not adaptation. I've looked in both aspects and there are to many questions in evolution that aren't answered. All of evolution is based on theory's and probablity's which aren't really founded.
With the man's experiment proving that things can arise from nonliving things should not be the basis of all evolution.What is the probaibly that all the circumstance aligned perfectly together to form a living organism? Even in the bible god says we were made from dust and you can see when we die are body does what?.
There is so much evidence in my life that there is a god that i don't believe we orginated from chimps. Science is based on reasoning and since they couldn't reason god great power in creating the world in 7 days they proclaimed it impossible. God said human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways.
There are so many statements and experiments that are for evolution, but so many miracles and phenomonens in life that counter act that and show that there is a higher power in life.
With adaption i believe animals do evolve and change sameway people have done. God created man and woman, one of each, and look how much variations there are. Since God is big and vast so are his creations. People are made in the image of God and who said God is one image or face? There are to many if's with science that i can't stand for evolution. If people believe in withcraft, evil, satan, and ect. why isn't there a God.
Science is soly on human reasoning and I don't rely solely on human thinking since it can be corrupt(can be seen in our own way of thinking). There is a higher power and people believe in other things in what that higher power is, but there is one.Our bodies are to complex to have been made by just a passing of time.
(I will put a video later on)
Test for yourselves by opening both books the biology and the bible.