Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Evolution is an issue of science Vs. science not religion Vs. Science
First of all, I would like to say that can we try to actually debate on the basis of Science instead of religion. I mean can we use science to prove our point instead of just saying god did it. I mean I could easily say that Allah is almighty and he created this universe in 6 days and created every human special and each and every species are created indivisually and evolution has nothing to do with it. But by saying this, the issue still remains the same that creationism is for religious people and evolution is for scientists. So lets use our brain and come up with scientific and logically correct arguments that support our belief. Ok, Lelessie, I have an objection with your statement “God said human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways.” Because i believe God has created human kind to be the best of his creations because he has given us a mind from which we can reason and advance but other organisms do not have that power to reason. But I do agree with you on the point that Human thinking can be corrupt and I think human thinking sometimes out of arrogance believing solely on logic to defy God just because they can’t see him. But I say you don’t have to see it to believe it but instead you must believe it to see it. Next, I completely disagree with Bobby because he states that fossil records show that evolution takes place but instead fossil records actually show that we don’t have enough of fossils to show us the transformation and instead we have fossils that support the creationist believe of Noah’s Flood. Also, you talk about experiment of Stanley miller, well guess what that experiment has been discredited by all scientists and he himself admitted 40 years later that “the problem of the origin of life has turned out to be more complex and difficult then I and other people had thought.” So you see Bobby, even the origin of life experiment has been discredited and the fossils show creationism not evolutionism.