I don’t know where to start but first of all I want to say as of right now Alex’s post was the best because she reasoned and it made sense but I don’t agree with her as I will provide proof that God exists and evolution is scientifically incorrect that’s why many of the greatest scientist of all time do not agree with evolution today. And Marilyn I am not contradicting myself, I still believe in creationism that God exists and he created Human being and we are not descendants of Chimps. Lelelessi, here are the proofs that can prove evolution incorrect using scientific reasoning. Robert, yes evolution can be proven wrong not using the holy books.
Here are the proofs:
Today most of the scientists believe that the universe hasn’t been here forever and the Big Bang theory explains the origins of the universe. Well, Big Bang theory states that there were bunch of gases and charges which came together and caused a Baam that created the universe but no in reality, when the universe wasn’t created then there were no Gases or charges present because NOTHING was there. So no Reactants equal no Products. So then how did universe came to existence, well God created it because he was the only one there to our knowledge.
Evolutionists believe life originate from NON Living things. Stanley miller’s experiment of origin of life has been discredited because he used different core temperatures of earth and the climate was inaccurately incorporate din his experiment which today creates different results so that experiment has been discredited.
The rock strata finds (layers of buried fossils) are better explained by a universal flood than by evolution.
All life appears to be designed, and evolutionists have failed to adequately explain why. Adaptation to environmental changes, mutations, and natural selection has not validated macroevolution.
Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation of life. Sir Fred Hoyle and Charles Wickramasinghe stated in their book, Evolution from Space, that “they estimated the probability of forming a single enzyme or protein at random, in a rich ocean of amino acids, was no more than one in 10 to the 20th power.” Next, they calculated the likelihood of forming all of the 2000+ enzymes used in the life forms of earth. This probability was calculated at one in 10 to the 40,000th power. They popularized the following cliché: “belief in the chemical evolution of the first cell from lifeless chemicals is equivalent to believing that a tornado could sweep through a junkyard and form a Boeing 747.”
New knowledge about the cell is equally incompatible with random origin. A cell is extremely complex and the way it performs its functions is similar to a sophisticated factory. The way DNA is self-repairing, the way RNA works with DNA, and the way proteins are synthesized using RNA templates screams of a Designer.
This law, known as the law of entropy, applies not only to usable energy but equally to organization and things wearing out. The natural flow is from organized to unorganized, complex to random, new to “worn out.” We see this principle in our everyday lives. Energy, applied with intelligence, is necessary to reverse the ever-increasing entropy or randomness of creation. So you see evolution doesn’t make sense because its states that organisms went from unorganized to organized so science itself is proving evolution wrong.
Now, after 150 years of searching for fossils since Darwin, zero transitional fossils have been found of the millions of fossils collected. Confirming this lack of evidence is Gould's oft-quoted words: "The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. . .I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism. I wish only to point out that it was never seen in the rocks."
The whole web is full of Proofs that are against evolution and I can go on and on but the final deal is that I do not believe in evolution because I have a little pride in myself that tells me that I am not descendant of a chimp, secondly my religion gives me the answer that God has created mankind the best of his creation and lastly Evolution simply doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t matter that which way you look at it logically or scientifically. You may have noticed I didn’t use any Holy books as evidence, I could have though because the Quran is full of proofs so yes evolution is proven wrong using scientific reasoning. Its only a matter of time until the world realizes that evolution is absurd. I will END this entry by saying a few words of wisdom that do not let others decide who you are and what you believe in, acquire knowledge and go with what seems right for you. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandberg