Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Comment on Marilyns post
I tottaly agree with marilyn because i was also born and brought up in a christian surrounding teaching me that God was the one who created us. If monkeys were evolved and why do we still have monkeys? I bet that Darwin was not there to see that monkeys evolving into human beings, its just his theory.
Dorathy's view on creationism
Even though you guys have already shared and argued most of the things about evolution and creation, its my turn now to say sumthing that i believe or researched. First of all, i would like to you guys to know that Darwin, who came up with the theory of evolution did not recieve a formal education in biology. I am not saying that he was dumb or something, this could mean that he might not be perfectly right in his theory. More over, Big Bangs Thory explains what happened at the very beginning of our universe, how come it is possible for the earth to assemble and get created by itself without any substance. Dr.Simon stated that we came from some single cell organism fell on earth from another planet, how did other planets got created? why isnt any more cells are falling from that same planet? This clearly says that there must is a supernatural power that exist..! If humans evolved from chimps and monkeys, then we have been having monkeys for centuries now, they never learnt to create iPod or neither do they speak or show love to only one monkey from the bottom of its heart =P. According to the theory we evolved from monkeys, we also consider plants as a living thing to, where did they evolve from? from the same single cell organism? I strongly believe that they is a SUPER NATURAL power that created every single thing on earth differently. In conlusion i would like to say that 64% of scientists disagree with the theory of evolution.
Lelessie, dont read so
If you read carefully, there is nothing in my part that says I believe that there is something that determines out faith and/makes the world go round. I believe there isn´t so dont worry, Im not contradicting my self. And yes you are right, many places did not have religion forced upon them but, how did it start? With a group of believers, and how did it spread? Through the word. Soon enough, when the majority believes in the religion, the minority that opposed it would certinally be shunned.
Proof for Creationism without using holy books.
I think Merriam Webster dictionary is bias, but that’s not what I wanted to say, I wanted to that how can you say creationism can not be explained without the holy books. I mean this is the official meaning of Creationism “ a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis.” Well, I just proved to you that the Big Bang theory doesn’t provide an intellectual answer since the origins of life question still hasn’t been answered. So yes I did proved to you that there is existence of God without using holy book. So YES CREATIONISM CAN BE PROVED USING SCIENCE. I mean think about it, what does science try to find, the answers so if our believes are correct then science shouldn’t contradict them. I mean yes there are certain things that science can’t explain due to lack of knowledge. So what I am saying is I say that God created the universe so why would something make sense that takes us away from God since he is the creator. Lastly, I think that we should be more open to other believes and try reason out why I believe what I believe because if we just hide under our shell of believe then it just shows that we are afraid to find the truth out and we are not firm in our believe.
I think Merriam Webster dictionary is bias, but that’s not what I wanted to say, I wanted to that how can you say creationism can not be explained without the holy books. I mean this is the official meaning of Creationism “ a doctrine or theory holding that matter, the various forms of life, and the world were created by God out of nothing and usually in the way described in Genesis.” Well, I just proved to you that the Big Bang theory doesn’t provide an intellectual answer since the origins of life question still hasn’t been answered. So yes I did proved to you that there is existence of God without using holy book. So YES CREATIONISM CAN BE PROVED USING SCIENCE. I mean think about it, what does science try to find, the answers so if our believes are correct then science shouldn’t contradict them. I mean yes there are certain things that science can’t explain due to lack of knowledge. So what I am saying is I say that God created the universe so why would something make sense that takes us away from God since he is the creator. Lastly, I think that we should be more open to other believes and try reason out why I believe what I believe because if we just hide under our shell of believe then it just shows that we are afraid to find the truth out and we are not firm in our believe.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Everyone knows where i stand, but i will be taking the bible point of view as well as the majority of people's who believe that there is a higher power, whatever each person considers his own.
Kamran = your verse Luke chapter 4 verse 5 and explanations go along with my belief from the bible that human wisdom can't understand God's power showing your disbelief.
Bobby = Creationism cannot be proven without a holy text ( whatever it may be) due to this defination of creationism from www.
the doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by an omnipotent Creator strong, and not gradually evolved or developed.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the doctrine that the true story of the creation of the universe is as it is recounted in the Bible, esp. in the first chapter of Genesis.
3. the doctrine that God immediately creates out of nothing a new human soul for each individual born.
Alex= your beliefs are yours alex and i don't want to disrespect that but let me tell you my opinion on them and my last statement on my belief for everyone else to.
Alex, you say that there is somehting stronger out ther that determines our fate or causes this world to go round. So how can you believe in evolution if creationims first defination is just that. Alex, you fall in the majority of the world that believes in a higher power by your previous statment.And the Holy Man's source is God and his ominicscient power.
I also believe what you said about god not punishing me story. Since the bible says, "we reap what we sow" If i am lazy how do i Expect God to help me get an A. And Actually Democrats are liberal and most are for prochoice meaning for abortion.
Lastly your last statement. People justify that there is a God and that the Bible holds some merits through historical evidence and histrocal accounts of people seeing Jesus Christ and writing about it long ago. I don't think you've adequeatly researched both topics on the topic of evidence. I've seen science evedince and theres to many theory's. Many other evidence of God is seen to people through miracles which i've heard doctors say that there has to be something out there. Creationism evolves around a higher power and many people believe in a higher power or ghosts or spirits. Your last question can also be addressed to the scientists. They weren't there to begin with so what makes them right over all the other religons that say a higher power created the world? Why is there book more trustworthy than othery holy books? just because of the adjective Holy? There is many historacal evidence that support the bible which people who don't believe in it have found. It comes once in a awhile on the Discovery Channel which I've watched. I've seen both sides and their evidence and heard it, but i believe in a higher power like you, but what makes me different, i've chosen mine to be God. That is why i believe in creationism,
Kamran = your verse Luke chapter 4 verse 5 and explanations go along with my belief from the bible that human wisdom can't understand God's power showing your disbelief.
Bobby = Creationism cannot be proven without a holy text ( whatever it may be) due to this defination of creationism from www.
the doctrine that matter and all things were created, substantially as they now exist, by an omnipotent Creator strong, and not gradually evolved or developed.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) the doctrine that the true story of the creation of the universe is as it is recounted in the Bible, esp. in the first chapter of Genesis.
3. the doctrine that God immediately creates out of nothing a new human soul for each individual born.
Alex= your beliefs are yours alex and i don't want to disrespect that but let me tell you my opinion on them and my last statement on my belief for everyone else to.
Alex, you say that there is somehting stronger out ther that determines our fate or causes this world to go round. So how can you believe in evolution if creationims first defination is just that. Alex, you fall in the majority of the world that believes in a higher power by your previous statment.And the Holy Man's source is God and his ominicscient power.
I also believe what you said about god not punishing me story. Since the bible says, "we reap what we sow" If i am lazy how do i Expect God to help me get an A. And Actually Democrats are liberal and most are for prochoice meaning for abortion.
Lastly your last statement. People justify that there is a God and that the Bible holds some merits through historical evidence and histrocal accounts of people seeing Jesus Christ and writing about it long ago. I don't think you've adequeatly researched both topics on the topic of evidence. I've seen science evedince and theres to many theory's. Many other evidence of God is seen to people through miracles which i've heard doctors say that there has to be something out there. Creationism evolves around a higher power and many people believe in a higher power or ghosts or spirits. Your last question can also be addressed to the scientists. They weren't there to begin with so what makes them right over all the other religons that say a higher power created the world? Why is there book more trustworthy than othery holy books? just because of the adjective Holy? There is many historacal evidence that support the bible which people who don't believe in it have found. It comes once in a awhile on the Discovery Channel which I've watched. I've seen both sides and their evidence and heard it, but i believe in a higher power like you, but what makes me different, i've chosen mine to be God. That is why i believe in creationism,
Bobby read my post
If you read my post then your question will be answered. For the last time, YES evolution can be proven wrong using scientific facts. Reading is FUNdamental.
don't take this wrong
don't take this wrong Kamran, but is the only thing that supports creationism religion, and belief in god.
I just want to say, everyone did a great job defending their believe.
Lelessie: I think you need some core evidence for your creationist believe.
Alex: Great job with the post but i do not agree with you because all the religions were not spread by the use of Force. When the Ottoman empire existed, half of the people were christian and jews and Muslims didn't force the people to become muslim.
Roxy: I liked your post but whats up with the dinosaurs.
Merilyn: i am not contradicting myself, i am just saying that we should defend our believe by using scientific reasoning but i guess if it is impossible for some people then its ok. But for me evidence works and it makes me explore more of Gods creation and makes me ponder upon it. You see the more i get into science the more closer i get with God.
Nate: Good Job man.
Sidra: Dr. Zakir Nayak is so cool, i loved that video, it was so helpful and you did a great job explaining why evolution is a theory.
Bobby: I liked the videos, like i learned about the Origin of life experiment and i wasn't aware of that at all before. So great Job.
Lelessie: I think you need some core evidence for your creationist believe.
Alex: Great job with the post but i do not agree with you because all the religions were not spread by the use of Force. When the Ottoman empire existed, half of the people were christian and jews and Muslims didn't force the people to become muslim.
Roxy: I liked your post but whats up with the dinosaurs.
Merilyn: i am not contradicting myself, i am just saying that we should defend our believe by using scientific reasoning but i guess if it is impossible for some people then its ok. But for me evidence works and it makes me explore more of Gods creation and makes me ponder upon it. You see the more i get into science the more closer i get with God.
Nate: Good Job man.
Sidra: Dr. Zakir Nayak is so cool, i loved that video, it was so helpful and you did a great job explaining why evolution is a theory.
Bobby: I liked the videos, like i learned about the Origin of life experiment and i wasn't aware of that at all before. So great Job.
i Think you read to literally into the bible. most of the bible uses analogies and metaphors to describe things just like Shakespeare did in most of his plays. it just shows the way writing has changed over time and doesn't prove that the bible has errors. Circle v sphere?? I mean seriously your going to try and say that just because the bible uses circular instead of spherical to describe the earth that its not credited to be a reliable source? in fact several people in the world today would say the earth is round or circular compared to spherical. Learn to read in between the lines.
Evidence against evolution
I don’t know where to start but first of all I want to say as of right now Alex’s post was the best because she reasoned and it made sense but I don’t agree with her as I will provide proof that God exists and evolution is scientifically incorrect that’s why many of the greatest scientist of all time do not agree with evolution today. And Marilyn I am not contradicting myself, I still believe in creationism that God exists and he created Human being and we are not descendants of Chimps. Lelelessi, here are the proofs that can prove evolution incorrect using scientific reasoning. Robert, yes evolution can be proven wrong not using the holy books.
Here are the proofs:
Today most of the scientists believe that the universe hasn’t been here forever and the Big Bang theory explains the origins of the universe. Well, Big Bang theory states that there were bunch of gases and charges which came together and caused a Baam that created the universe but no in reality, when the universe wasn’t created then there were no Gases or charges present because NOTHING was there. So no Reactants equal no Products. So then how did universe came to existence, well God created it because he was the only one there to our knowledge.
Evolutionists believe life originate from NON Living things. Stanley miller’s experiment of origin of life has been discredited because he used different core temperatures of earth and the climate was inaccurately incorporate din his experiment which today creates different results so that experiment has been discredited.
The rock strata finds (layers of buried fossils) are better explained by a universal flood than by evolution.
All life appears to be designed, and evolutionists have failed to adequately explain why. Adaptation to environmental changes, mutations, and natural selection has not validated macroevolution.
Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation of life. Sir Fred Hoyle and Charles Wickramasinghe stated in their book, Evolution from Space, that “they estimated the probability of forming a single enzyme or protein at random, in a rich ocean of amino acids, was no more than one in 10 to the 20th power.” Next, they calculated the likelihood of forming all of the 2000+ enzymes used in the life forms of earth. This probability was calculated at one in 10 to the 40,000th power. They popularized the following cliché: “belief in the chemical evolution of the first cell from lifeless chemicals is equivalent to believing that a tornado could sweep through a junkyard and form a Boeing 747.”
New knowledge about the cell is equally incompatible with random origin. A cell is extremely complex and the way it performs its functions is similar to a sophisticated factory. The way DNA is self-repairing, the way RNA works with DNA, and the way proteins are synthesized using RNA templates screams of a Designer.
This law, known as the law of entropy, applies not only to usable energy but equally to organization and things wearing out. The natural flow is from organized to unorganized, complex to random, new to “worn out.” We see this principle in our everyday lives. Energy, applied with intelligence, is necessary to reverse the ever-increasing entropy or randomness of creation. So you see evolution doesn’t make sense because its states that organisms went from unorganized to organized so science itself is proving evolution wrong.
Now, after 150 years of searching for fossils since Darwin, zero transitional fossils have been found of the millions of fossils collected. Confirming this lack of evidence is Gould's oft-quoted words: "The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. . .I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism. I wish only to point out that it was never seen in the rocks."
The whole web is full of Proofs that are against evolution and I can go on and on but the final deal is that I do not believe in evolution because I have a little pride in myself that tells me that I am not descendant of a chimp, secondly my religion gives me the answer that God has created mankind the best of his creation and lastly Evolution simply doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t matter that which way you look at it logically or scientifically. You may have noticed I didn’t use any Holy books as evidence, I could have though because the Quran is full of proofs so yes evolution is proven wrong using scientific reasoning. Its only a matter of time until the world realizes that evolution is absurd. I will END this entry by saying a few words of wisdom that do not let others decide who you are and what you believe in, acquire knowledge and go with what seems right for you. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandberg
Here are the proofs:
Today most of the scientists believe that the universe hasn’t been here forever and the Big Bang theory explains the origins of the universe. Well, Big Bang theory states that there were bunch of gases and charges which came together and caused a Baam that created the universe but no in reality, when the universe wasn’t created then there were no Gases or charges present because NOTHING was there. So no Reactants equal no Products. So then how did universe came to existence, well God created it because he was the only one there to our knowledge.
Evolutionists believe life originate from NON Living things. Stanley miller’s experiment of origin of life has been discredited because he used different core temperatures of earth and the climate was inaccurately incorporate din his experiment which today creates different results so that experiment has been discredited.
The rock strata finds (layers of buried fossils) are better explained by a universal flood than by evolution.
All life appears to be designed, and evolutionists have failed to adequately explain why. Adaptation to environmental changes, mutations, and natural selection has not validated macroevolution.
Louis Pasteur disproved spontaneous generation of life. Sir Fred Hoyle and Charles Wickramasinghe stated in their book, Evolution from Space, that “they estimated the probability of forming a single enzyme or protein at random, in a rich ocean of amino acids, was no more than one in 10 to the 20th power.” Next, they calculated the likelihood of forming all of the 2000+ enzymes used in the life forms of earth. This probability was calculated at one in 10 to the 40,000th power. They popularized the following cliché: “belief in the chemical evolution of the first cell from lifeless chemicals is equivalent to believing that a tornado could sweep through a junkyard and form a Boeing 747.”
New knowledge about the cell is equally incompatible with random origin. A cell is extremely complex and the way it performs its functions is similar to a sophisticated factory. The way DNA is self-repairing, the way RNA works with DNA, and the way proteins are synthesized using RNA templates screams of a Designer.
This law, known as the law of entropy, applies not only to usable energy but equally to organization and things wearing out. The natural flow is from organized to unorganized, complex to random, new to “worn out.” We see this principle in our everyday lives. Energy, applied with intelligence, is necessary to reverse the ever-increasing entropy or randomness of creation. So you see evolution doesn’t make sense because its states that organisms went from unorganized to organized so science itself is proving evolution wrong.
Now, after 150 years of searching for fossils since Darwin, zero transitional fossils have been found of the millions of fossils collected. Confirming this lack of evidence is Gould's oft-quoted words: "The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology. The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils. . .I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism. I wish only to point out that it was never seen in the rocks."
The whole web is full of Proofs that are against evolution and I can go on and on but the final deal is that I do not believe in evolution because I have a little pride in myself that tells me that I am not descendant of a chimp, secondly my religion gives me the answer that God has created mankind the best of his creation and lastly Evolution simply doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t matter that which way you look at it logically or scientifically. You may have noticed I didn’t use any Holy books as evidence, I could have though because the Quran is full of proofs so yes evolution is proven wrong using scientific reasoning. Its only a matter of time until the world realizes that evolution is absurd. I will END this entry by saying a few words of wisdom that do not let others decide who you are and what you believe in, acquire knowledge and go with what seems right for you. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandberg
Sorry, just one more thing. You said "This is hard to believe that a single cell could copy itself and change its self various times to get the numerous different cells in the human body" but hey, it happens in a mother´s womb so, why not??
Proof that you all requested
I think my message wasn’t clear enough or you guys and gals misunderstood me on my latest post. What I was trying to express was that we should not solely base our argument on holy books because lets say I was on atheist so how will you persuade to me that evolution doesn’t make sense. You would have to use scientific evidence against it, and YES you can use scientific reasoning to explain that evolution doesn’t make sense. I still stand firm on the comments I made earlier, I mean I wasn’t trying to make fun of any religion or anything but it makes me wonder that if there are errors in the bible then how can we make it a valid reference to say . But that’s each persons believe and I am not going to go there and the proof you requested is that in Gospel of Luke chapter 4 verse # 5 it says “Then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant.” Today even if you go on the top of the mount Everest and lets say you are able to see for thousands of miles, you can’t see the whole world because its oval shaped and you wouldn’t be able to see the back of the planet. The only way this is possible is if the world was flat so then you could see it. Also, in Isaiah chapter 40 verse 22 it says “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.” well, in this verse bible clearly says that Earth’s shape is circle when its not the earth’s shape is spherical not circular. I mean I can go on and on about the scientific errors in Bible but that’s not my point, my point is that we solely can’t take a book to back up our view point but we must use science and logic to prove or make an argument that evolution is inaccurate. I didn’t mean to offend anybody but since you all wanted proof from the bible so I had to post these verses up.
For those in favor of creationism!
In my life, I have had the oppertunity to explore both aspects of highly religious and athiest/scientific views, and out of both, I choose to believe in what I wrote, im not saying anyone is wrong, because it would be wrong of me to do so, but in order for me to believe in creationism, you have to show me the evidence, not just a "holy book".
EYY Bobby!! I totally agree with you man, and I love the question u put there about the book not existing. People I know my blog is long but hey there is other ones longer so please, just read and comment!! thanks
Lelessie, you posted something great about creationism and evolution as well. when you said that in the bible god says we were made from dust and when we die our bodies go back to what they were created from. I aslo agree with you when you say God has done so much in your life that you can't help believe that he created us because i have witnessed many of these things and have experienced some for my self.
Merilyn i really agree with what you have to say about creationism because i grew up learning the same things you did and the point you gave about the rest of the chimps was great.
creation vs evelution
I truely believe that humans were created and didn't evolve from chimps. I feel this way because this is what I was taught when I was growing up at home and at church. Look at it this way, if we weren't created why would God send his only son down to earth as a human and not a chimp. I mean, if we evolved from chimps that wouldn't make sense at all. And when I read through Merilyn's post I saw something that got me thinking. If we evolved from chimps, why haven't the rest of them evolved? If you think its because they need to adapt and over time they will change. Why don't we try that so that the whole world will know whether we evolved or created.
before you all attack me again,
I have a question on creationism.
can creationism be proven without
a holy text?
I have a question on creationism.
can creationism be proven without
a holy text?
Creationism vs. Evolution
Well guys, I think all of you are wrong!! We all came from aliens.ok..No, seriously, I believe in the theory of evolution, and guys, before I start, I just want you all to know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs since this is really a science vs. religion kind of topic. Well for one I don´t believe that the earth was made in seven days, that there is something stonger out there that determines our fate and what we do, or causes this world to go round. Anything and everything has a source, and what would the holy man´s source be? Unknown. I think that science has more of a justification for the things that happened and are still occuring today. As technology advances, we are becoming aware that things happen for a reason, if there is snow, there is a current that pushes against another and wham! We have snow. If you just happen to look up one night and see the brightly shining stars, you know that they are made out of different kinds of gases. If I trip and fall, I should´ve watched my step, god is not punishing me and he also doesn´t have a button that he presses to control events. Back when we didnt have the knowledge that we have now, everything revolved around the bible or gods and how we were created, how creatures were created. They didnt have an explanation for certain things such as the weather, psychological disorders, mutations, and the destruction of crops. The unexplainable became the power of some god and that was it, no question about it, but if you did question it... explain it, and if you did explain it they kill you, which leads me to my next point on why creationism is/was enforced. If the majority of the world were inclined toward the thought of there being a god or something superior than what they could ever be, their respect towards that figure and their want to keep that superior power pleased would be all they care for. Do you ever wonder why republicans and some democrats lean more towards religion with their anti-abortion and science related discoveries? They know of the bible and how defying such a great power can result disasterous (your entrace to a more peaceful afterlife), and they are smart for mixing religious beliefs with politics, they get more votes, and for the most part, it retains social order which is highly necessary when trying to control billions of people. Just think about how the Spaniards forced religion on many African countries and much of Latin America to get what they wanted, and well, they got what they wanted on account of many innocent lives. The natives had their own opinions about how the earth worked, and if it weren´t for the missionaries, we would have a different point of view today, but thats another topic. Now, it is possible that we came from a bacteria or a cell and evolved from there because there is such a thing as adaptation along with survival of the fittest. And why can´t we come from chimps? The many kinds of cats that we have now came from prehistoric animals such as the sabertoothed tiger. Language could be made from our adaptation, I mean cavemen did find out how to make tools and capure food for their survival, who said that our cerebral cortex did not become bigger along the way, allowing us to have the ability to talk, walk and communicate. And why are things not evolving? You can´t expect a butterfly to be a meat-eating insect as big as you or me by tomorrow, evolution takes time, just take a look at the dinosaurs and how long ago was that???(Im sorry marilyn, Im not attacking you, just answering your good questions) We still have species related to them right now (reptiles and birds). We were not there at the beginning of time, and so weren´t the people that wrote the bible(they wrote to explain the unexplainable). I just think that if people can justify there being a god without any evidence, then why not believe that a child´s imaginary friend exists?
This is for Kamran
Kamaran I think that you are confused! You contradict yourself in the last post you have made. For example when you say that you believe in creationism but then you go ahead and post that the bible has many errors. What side are you on dude! In your first post you are a great believer of creationism then you support it with the other post about fossil records supporting creationism. Then you made a turn of 360 on the whole thing about picking up the bible and the biology book and with you staying with the biology book. First, you went off the subject because we are not debating about the earth being round but about our belief between creationism or evolution. In the biginning I did agree with you up to the point where you started questioning the Bible. So yea Kamran I agreed with your first post and some of your second but definitely not your third. Bye!
I agree with Lelessie!
I totally agree with everything that lelessie said. Creationism is the way that human kind came to be. Only God could do such a tremendous thing as make human kind. I especially agree when she stated that God said that human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways. I believe that Gods power is so great that humans don't have the capability to understand as well as appreciate Gods ways. I really enjoyed Lelessie's post because I think she gave a sufficient amount of proof to argue her belief in creationism and I agree with everything that she said. Good job Lelessie!
Kamran know where does it say in the bible that the world is flat. give me the verse and the chapter and book then you can prove it to me. Secondly your last statement that we should use scientific reasoning contradicts all that you've said beforehand. Thats what people have done and made evolution. going wiht scientific reasoning is going with evolution. I need proof and so far it doesn't seem you actually opened both books cause if you did you'll know that evolution was made through scientfic reasoning and the bible doesn't say that!
pick up a bible and a biology book
Ahh lelessie, I did try it, I picked up biology book and a bible from library and guess what, I found many errors in bible like Bible says world is flat, also bible says earth is in the center of the universe. So for now I will stick with the Biology book which says the world is round and I can actually see that the world is round and which states the earth is not the center of universe. But the challenge was fun though. For proof click the link below, so what i am trying to say is we can't just use the Bible to say becasue it doesn't says so in the bible then evolution can't be true, we must use logic and scientific reasoning.
I agree with most of what lelessie and kamran said and i agree mostly with Marilyns post.
Lelessie- i agree with how adaptation can still have truths in the theory of creationism.
Kamran- I agree with you on the Creationism and all the evidence you show.
Marilyn- I like all the questions you have that are against evolution, and agree with your entire post.
Lelessie- i agree with how adaptation can still have truths in the theory of creationism.
Kamran- I agree with you on the Creationism and all the evidence you show.
Marilyn- I like all the questions you have that are against evolution, and agree with your entire post.
Evolution is an issue of science Vs. science not religion Vs. Science
First of all, I would like to say that can we try to actually debate on the basis of Science instead of religion. I mean can we use science to prove our point instead of just saying god did it. I mean I could easily say that Allah is almighty and he created this universe in 6 days and created every human special and each and every species are created indivisually and evolution has nothing to do with it. But by saying this, the issue still remains the same that creationism is for religious people and evolution is for scientists. So lets use our brain and come up with scientific and logically correct arguments that support our belief. Ok, Lelessie, I have an objection with your statement “God said human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways.” Because i believe God has created human kind to be the best of his creations because he has given us a mind from which we can reason and advance but other organisms do not have that power to reason. But I do agree with you on the point that Human thinking can be corrupt and I think human thinking sometimes out of arrogance believing solely on logic to defy God just because they can’t see him. But I say you don’t have to see it to believe it but instead you must believe it to see it. Next, I completely disagree with Bobby because he states that fossil records show that evolution takes place but instead fossil records actually show that we don’t have enough of fossils to show us the transformation and instead we have fossils that support the creationist believe of Noah’s Flood. Also, you talk about experiment of Stanley miller, well guess what that experiment has been discredited by all scientists and he himself admitted 40 years later that “the problem of the origin of life has turned out to be more complex and difficult then I and other people had thought.” So you see Bobby, even the origin of life experiment has been discredited and the fossils show creationism not evolutionism.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Fossil records support Creationism
Good evening my classmates, I am back and today I will provide you with some info that will leave you mesmerized and make you question the theory of evolution. evolutionists believe that human kind evolved from chimpanzees but I believe in intelligent design meaning that no humans were ever chimps or any other being, they have always been Humans. The main proof that evolutionists give for evolution is fossil records but I say that is the single greatest threat to evolution. The occasional skeleton digs that turn up a monkey or diseased gorilla are said to be as "proof" for evolution, but no one mentions the fact that if evolution was true, there would be millions upon billions of such "transitional creatures" spreading through the fossil record. As it stands today, such finds are very rare and most are very questionable as to their authenticity and viability as true transitional forms. I mean Lucy dates back to 3.2 million years ago and if you see the skeleton it doesn’t have that much differences in apes, its was about 3.5 feet tall, now that’s not human length but that’s ape length. Also, the next fossil found was 500,000 years ago and simply the gaps of the fossils found are huge, and we simply don’t have thousands or millions of finds to show the evolution being taken place. But what is interesting though is that in Australia, about 300 miles is covered with jelly fish fossils. Now you would say how did they become fossilized because when they die then they float and on land they melt away so how did they become fossilized? Now the evolutionists who discovered these fossils said they must have formed in less than twenty-four hours. That would mean an enormous amount of water and mud would form them. You know what that means, Noah’s Flood not with millions of years of slow processes. The answer to this lies in Quran that states that the flood went on for 40 days and 40 nights so that flood could have caught the jelly fish and buried them. So you see the whole THEORY not fact of evolution has no foundation to support itself.
Evolution vs. Creationism
In my opinion I believe in Creationism and I don’t agree with Robert’s reasoning. Robert said that he believes” that creationism is for religion and evolution is science”, but I want to ask and say that if there is any books anyone know or aware of that says Evolution is a FACT not a THEORY. I think this statement should answer that evolution fills the gap not creationism.
Now let’s talk about Charles Darwin, who came up with a theory of evolution. Charles Darwin who wrote a book called “Origin of Species,” It says that Charles Darwin went on Galapagos Islands; on HMS Beagle there he found birds pecking at niches depending on the ecological niches they pack the beaks kept on becoming long and short, this observation was made in the same specie not a different species. Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his friend Thomas Thomten in 1861 in which he said “I do not believe on natural selection or a theory of evolution”, because I’ve gotten prove which helps me in classification of embryology, morphology and other organ. Charles Darwin himself said there were missing links. The reason this theory is taught in the world as well as fact because as we know previously that the church was against science, and we are also aware of the incident when Galileo was sentenced to death, because he stated certain statement about astronomy that was against the bible. When Charles Darwin keep up with a theory which was against the church. There is a phrase “Enemy of my enemy is my friend,” which should clearly explain us why most of the scientists support a theory of evolution, because they are against church not because it was true. There are still many scientists who do not agree with Darwin theory, because they believe it’s illogical. One of the scientists is Albert, who received a noble prize for inventing vitamin C, he wrote a book against Darwin theory. There are several scientists who don’t believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution, because there are no prove at all, but certain proves at lower level such as Ameba change to Paramecia in lower organisms. In Molecular biology and Genetic coding according to Handson Crick, he said it’s unimaginable, because if you do the ratio the probability of one DNA forming from Apes to human is Zero. In conclusion, Darwin Theory has not been proven yet, and we have not been created from Apes and several scientists speak against this theory. Again, it’s my opinion and I am not against anyone, I believe it’s an individual decision.
Now let’s talk about Charles Darwin, who came up with a theory of evolution. Charles Darwin who wrote a book called “Origin of Species,” It says that Charles Darwin went on Galapagos Islands; on HMS Beagle there he found birds pecking at niches depending on the ecological niches they pack the beaks kept on becoming long and short, this observation was made in the same specie not a different species. Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his friend Thomas Thomten in 1861 in which he said “I do not believe on natural selection or a theory of evolution”, because I’ve gotten prove which helps me in classification of embryology, morphology and other organ. Charles Darwin himself said there were missing links. The reason this theory is taught in the world as well as fact because as we know previously that the church was against science, and we are also aware of the incident when Galileo was sentenced to death, because he stated certain statement about astronomy that was against the bible. When Charles Darwin keep up with a theory which was against the church. There is a phrase “Enemy of my enemy is my friend,” which should clearly explain us why most of the scientists support a theory of evolution, because they are against church not because it was true. There are still many scientists who do not agree with Darwin theory, because they believe it’s illogical. One of the scientists is Albert, who received a noble prize for inventing vitamin C, he wrote a book against Darwin theory. There are several scientists who don’t believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution, because there are no prove at all, but certain proves at lower level such as Ameba change to Paramecia in lower organisms. In Molecular biology and Genetic coding according to Handson Crick, he said it’s unimaginable, because if you do the ratio the probability of one DNA forming from Apes to human is Zero. In conclusion, Darwin Theory has not been proven yet, and we have not been created from Apes and several scientists speak against this theory. Again, it’s my opinion and I am not against anyone, I believe it’s an individual decision.
Creationism vs. Evolution
Ever since I was a little girl I have been brought up with the explanation that God made us according to his image. Because I was a little girl I just went along with what my parents and my teachers from church used to tell me. Now I can totally say that I believe in creationism because I choose to. Evolution is many theories scientist have made in accordance to how humans came to be. To me evolution is just theories that scientist come up with to explain their curiosities. As told in the bible God made this world in 6 days(Exodus 31:17) and then made man kind. I believe that there is such great power as God. I believe that with a blow he gave us the sense of breath. I do agree with natural selection, that is why I think that we are capable of adapting to our surroundings and that is why there is such diversity in the way people look and behave. But I just can't seem to comprehend how we supposedly evolved from a molecule or that chimps evolved into what we know today as human race. Evolution brings many questions to mind when I think about it. Like, If we did evolve from chimps what happened to all the fur or hair they had? Where did language come from? Why are chimps now in days not evolving anymore? To me it is much easier to believe in Creationism than evolution. Never in a world with such perfect order can it direct itself from the nothing without a powerful being to control everything that moves throughout the planet Earth and that is God. This is my point of view and I strongly believe in it because that is how it is stated in the bible.
Creationism v. Evolution
Creationism is the theory of a greater being creating all forms of life. while evolutionism argues that life started from one cell and changed over a long period of time into the species and breeds we have to day. although there are some aspects of evolutionism that make sense, i am a believer in creationism.
certain aspects of evolution i do agree with, such as Natural selection and adaptation. Once god created earth in 7 days i do believe that natural selection played a role in which species are able to survive. Adaptation also affects whether species survive in the world.
There are several examples that support evolutionism, but they either have gaps or just don't make sense. for example saying that everybody comes from a cell and "evolved" in to the very complex systems we are. This is hard to believe that a single cell could copy itself and change its self various times to get the numerous different cells in the human body. Creationism to me is the only thing that makes enough sense to believe.
certain aspects of evolution i do agree with, such as Natural selection and adaptation. Once god created earth in 7 days i do believe that natural selection played a role in which species are able to survive. Adaptation also affects whether species survive in the world.
There are several examples that support evolutionism, but they either have gaps or just don't make sense. for example saying that everybody comes from a cell and "evolved" in to the very complex systems we are. This is hard to believe that a single cell could copy itself and change its self various times to get the numerous different cells in the human body. Creationism to me is the only thing that makes enough sense to believe.
My View
I'm against evolution, but not adaptation. I've looked in both aspects and there are to many questions in evolution that aren't answered. All of evolution is based on theory's and probablity's which aren't really founded.
With the man's experiment proving that things can arise from nonliving things should not be the basis of all evolution.What is the probaibly that all the circumstance aligned perfectly together to form a living organism? Even in the bible god says we were made from dust and you can see when we die are body does what?.
There is so much evidence in my life that there is a god that i don't believe we orginated from chimps. Science is based on reasoning and since they couldn't reason god great power in creating the world in 7 days they proclaimed it impossible. God said human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways.
There are so many statements and experiments that are for evolution, but so many miracles and phenomonens in life that counter act that and show that there is a higher power in life.
With adaption i believe animals do evolve and change sameway people have done. God created man and woman, one of each, and look how much variations there are. Since God is big and vast so are his creations. People are made in the image of God and who said God is one image or face? There are to many if's with science that i can't stand for evolution. If people believe in withcraft, evil, satan, and ect. why isn't there a God.
Science is soly on human reasoning and I don't rely solely on human thinking since it can be corrupt(can be seen in our own way of thinking). There is a higher power and people believe in other things in what that higher power is, but there is one.Our bodies are to complex to have been made by just a passing of time.
(I will put a video later on)
Test for yourselves by opening both books the biology and the bible.
With the man's experiment proving that things can arise from nonliving things should not be the basis of all evolution.What is the probaibly that all the circumstance aligned perfectly together to form a living organism? Even in the bible god says we were made from dust and you can see when we die are body does what?.
There is so much evidence in my life that there is a god that i don't believe we orginated from chimps. Science is based on reasoning and since they couldn't reason god great power in creating the world in 7 days they proclaimed it impossible. God said human wisdom is foolish and can't comprehend his ways.
There are so many statements and experiments that are for evolution, but so many miracles and phenomonens in life that counter act that and show that there is a higher power in life.
With adaption i believe animals do evolve and change sameway people have done. God created man and woman, one of each, and look how much variations there are. Since God is big and vast so are his creations. People are made in the image of God and who said God is one image or face? There are to many if's with science that i can't stand for evolution. If people believe in withcraft, evil, satan, and ect. why isn't there a God.
Science is soly on human reasoning and I don't rely solely on human thinking since it can be corrupt(can be seen in our own way of thinking). There is a higher power and people believe in other things in what that higher power is, but there is one.Our bodies are to complex to have been made by just a passing of time.
(I will put a video later on)
Test for yourselves by opening both books the biology and the bible.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Assignment -- Creation vs. Evolution Post -- Posted by Mrs. Berkeley
The theory of evolution is one unifying principle of biology. However, evolution has also become one of the most controversial topics over the past 150 years since the publication of The origin of species by Charles Darwin in 1859. The teaching of evolution in the American school biology curriculum has been repeatedly challenged by groups and individuals who believe in the special creation of organisms (creationists; "scientific creationism"). More recently there has been a revival of the "creation by intelligent design" viewpoint.
In this assignment you are to briefly define the two viewpoints. After providing brief introductory information, support one side of the evolution vs. creation debate. In your response be sure to provide explations supporting your conviction. After your initial post, you are to reply to two other posts on the blog. This assignment is not intended to create divisions amongst your peers, but instead is intended to motivate you to think critically and be able to set forth conflicting points of view. Please be respectful and reasonable in your posts. Worth 30 points. Due Wednesday, March 12, 2008.
Adapted from:
evolution is fact
I believe that Creationism is for religion and evolution is science. Creationism fills the gaps of the theory of evolution. It can be proven that living things can evolve to fit their living requirements.So can't that be a base for evolution to be proven?
video that supports evolution
A chemist named Stanley Miller proves that life can be created from nothing. In his experiment called origin of life. This shows the creation of life from nothing.
Fossil evidence supports the origins of life on earth earlier than 3.5 billion years ago. The North Pole fossils from Australia are such that even more primitive cells must have existed earlier. From rocks of the Ishua Super Group in Greenland come possibly the earliest cells, 3.8 (?) billion years ago. J. William Schopf of UCLA recently discovered possibly photosynthetic prokaryotes from North America in 3.5 billion year old rocks, suggesting the existence of even older heterotrophic forms. The oldest known rocks on earth are 3.96 billion years old, and are from Arctic Canada. Thus, life appears to have begun soon after the cooling of the earth and formation of the atmosphere and oceans.
These ancient fossils occur in marine rocks, such as limestones and sandstones, that formed in ancient oceans. The organisms living today that are most similar to ancient life forms are the archaebacteria. This group is today restricted to marginal environments. Recent discoveries of bacteria at mid-ocean ridges add yet another possible origin for life: at these mid-ocean ridges where heat and molten rock rise to the earth's surface.
This is the proof of evolution.
video that supports evolution
A chemist named Stanley Miller proves that life can be created from nothing. In his experiment called origin of life. This shows the creation of life from nothing.
Fossil evidence supports the origins of life on earth earlier than 3.5 billion years ago. The North Pole fossils from Australia are such that even more primitive cells must have existed earlier. From rocks of the Ishua Super Group in Greenland come possibly the earliest cells, 3.8 (?) billion years ago. J. William Schopf of UCLA recently discovered possibly photosynthetic prokaryotes from North America in 3.5 billion year old rocks, suggesting the existence of even older heterotrophic forms. The oldest known rocks on earth are 3.96 billion years old, and are from Arctic Canada. Thus, life appears to have begun soon after the cooling of the earth and formation of the atmosphere and oceans.
These ancient fossils occur in marine rocks, such as limestones and sandstones, that formed in ancient oceans. The organisms living today that are most similar to ancient life forms are the archaebacteria. This group is today restricted to marginal environments. Recent discoveries of bacteria at mid-ocean ridges add yet another possible origin for life: at these mid-ocean ridges where heat and molten rock rise to the earth's surface.
This is the proof of evolution.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Creationism makes sense DAH !!!!!!!!
I am a great believer of creationism because the whole idea of evolution seems illogical and creationism gives the human mind answers. First of all I want to say that this is my opinion only, I am not trying to criticize anyone’s believe or anything but I do believe that everyone should be presented with the information and it should be left on him/her to decide what to believe.
Evolutionists beleive that the universe, with all that it contains (space, time, matter and energy), exploded from nothing. This is opposite to the First Law of Thermodynamics. Where did space, time, matter and energy come from in the first place? So the ultimate question of origins of species remains unsolved for Evolutionists because the first law of thermodynamics state that energy can’t be created nor destroyed. So wait, if energy can’t be created then how did universe come into existence in the first place? Ahh perhaps creationism is the answer that God is almighty who has control of everything created the universe out of nothing. That’s 1 for creationism and 0 for evolutionism because evolutionism failed to explain how the origin of universe came into existence but creationism explained it clearly that god created it out of nothing. Second BIG problem with evolution is that how can Living things come from non living things. Ok, to back this argument up lets just take DNA for example, all living things have DNA or any living thing that is dead has DNA and non living things don’t have DNA. So using this FACT how can we say that we evolved from non living things when non living things never had DNA and living things need DNA. So that’s 2 for creationism and 0 for Evolution because living things evolving from non living things don’t make sense and there’s a huge proof against it that its impossible but a human brain can grasp an idea that a creator or GOD created living things out of nothing, I mean science disagrees with this but then again the theory that science comes up with is rubbish because it goes against human sense and scientific evidence. Furthermore, before we discuss the whole idea that did humans evolve from chimps or not, lets talk about how could new genetic information arise? Evolutionists believe that all life evolved from a single cell, so for that to take place a lot of new genetic info would have to be added to the cell, so where would all those genes come from? So where did all these circulatory system, immune system, urinary system, intestines and so on systems come from when they were not found in the original ancestral species. See it just doesn’t make sense. That’s 3 for creationism and 0 for evolution because creationism explains it that’s Gods almighty and he has total power so he created Humans or other living species as themselves out of his power. So far evolution doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t explain origin of life and living things evolving from non living things is just absurd. But creationism gives the human mind something to grasp on that logic can explain that the universe is the creation and it was created by the creator or God. Furthermore The theory of evolution teaches that simple life forms evolved into more complex life forms such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. There is no natural law known that could allow this to happen. The best that evolutionists can come up with to try to explain how this might have happened is to propose that it happened by mutations and natural selection. But mutations and natural selection do not show gain in information, just rearrangement or loss of what is already there. These are just some of the reasons why creationism makes sense and evolution seems absurd. Stay tuned for the next part of the issue to get enlightened because on the next issue I answer the question of the century that are we descendants of chimps?
Evolutionists beleive that the universe, with all that it contains (space, time, matter and energy), exploded from nothing. This is opposite to the First Law of Thermodynamics. Where did space, time, matter and energy come from in the first place? So the ultimate question of origins of species remains unsolved for Evolutionists because the first law of thermodynamics state that energy can’t be created nor destroyed. So wait, if energy can’t be created then how did universe come into existence in the first place? Ahh perhaps creationism is the answer that God is almighty who has control of everything created the universe out of nothing. That’s 1 for creationism and 0 for evolutionism because evolutionism failed to explain how the origin of universe came into existence but creationism explained it clearly that god created it out of nothing. Second BIG problem with evolution is that how can Living things come from non living things. Ok, to back this argument up lets just take DNA for example, all living things have DNA or any living thing that is dead has DNA and non living things don’t have DNA. So using this FACT how can we say that we evolved from non living things when non living things never had DNA and living things need DNA. So that’s 2 for creationism and 0 for Evolution because living things evolving from non living things don’t make sense and there’s a huge proof against it that its impossible but a human brain can grasp an idea that a creator or GOD created living things out of nothing, I mean science disagrees with this but then again the theory that science comes up with is rubbish because it goes against human sense and scientific evidence. Furthermore, before we discuss the whole idea that did humans evolve from chimps or not, lets talk about how could new genetic information arise? Evolutionists believe that all life evolved from a single cell, so for that to take place a lot of new genetic info would have to be added to the cell, so where would all those genes come from? So where did all these circulatory system, immune system, urinary system, intestines and so on systems come from when they were not found in the original ancestral species. See it just doesn’t make sense. That’s 3 for creationism and 0 for evolution because creationism explains it that’s Gods almighty and he has total power so he created Humans or other living species as themselves out of his power. So far evolution doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t explain origin of life and living things evolving from non living things is just absurd. But creationism gives the human mind something to grasp on that logic can explain that the universe is the creation and it was created by the creator or God. Furthermore The theory of evolution teaches that simple life forms evolved into more complex life forms such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. There is no natural law known that could allow this to happen. The best that evolutionists can come up with to try to explain how this might have happened is to propose that it happened by mutations and natural selection. But mutations and natural selection do not show gain in information, just rearrangement or loss of what is already there. These are just some of the reasons why creationism makes sense and evolution seems absurd. Stay tuned for the next part of the issue to get enlightened because on the next issue I answer the question of the century that are we descendants of chimps?
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